Equipment Management
Manage Physical Assets across Locations
This module tracks and drives compliance on capital equipment that exists within your facilities, specifically preventative maintenance, service requests, warranties, and service providers for each specific piece of equipment.
Equipment Detail
Track all Relevant Asset Detail
Facilitate365 stores all of the most important equipment detail you need and provides it to you and your team.
In addition to the Name, Description & Location, Facilitate365 also keeps track of the Install Date, Warranty Expiration Date, Manufacturer, Model Number, Serial Number, Service Requirements, Safety Instructions and Meter Reading.
Automate Preventative Maintenance
Schedule Once and Everyone’s Notified
When Preventative Maintenance is due it’s critical that it gets done. Facilitate365 makes sure that no preventative maintenance slips through the cracks by allowing for a list of important people to be notified in advance of when the work is due. We also take scheduling PM a step further by selectively allowing for work orders to be created when the work is due.
In conjunction with our desktop calendar and messages, you’ll know what PM is scheduled, when it’s due and whom it’s assigned to.
Easyworkorder keeps you on task and on time.
Set Reminders
Schedule how many days before PM is due to send out reminder notifications.
Automatically Create Work Orders
Selectively automate the creation of PM work orders. Set this once and Facilitate365 handles the reminding you when PM is due…for ever.
PM is Linked to Work Orders
Once PM is due, your staff can go directly to the work orders that Facilitate365 created for the asset and complete the work. All of the relevant PM information is available: service requirements, safety instructions and any other important notes.
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